SBF Holi Hot Socks
SBF Holi Hot Socks was started by Sharon Edsall on the ranch in Montana. “Holi” is very gentle, eager to please and riding like her pedigree would suggest. Holi has low hocks, a strong top line and tons of cow.
Prospects out of SBF Holi Hot Socks include –
SBF Holi Hot Socks

2008 AQHA buckskin mare
Sire: Holidoc (Doc Quixote x Lee’s Holly)
Dam: Dandys Hot Socks (Galapagos Cody x Docs Hot Socks)
Holidoc daughters are getting hard to find (Holidoc’s LTE $124,294 NCHA earnings and sire of NRHA, NCHA and NRCHA earners). Holidoc foals have excelled in cutting, reining, reined cowhorse and roping. His colts make great all around horses and SBF Holi Hot Socks is no exception.