SBF Smart Lil Boon WINS!
fb post April 2021
SBF Smart Lil Boon was the Reserve 2020 Champion Derby Horse for the Inter Mountain Reined Cowhorse Circuit for stops like this.
fb posts August 2020
Lil is on her way to compete in the Utah Reined Cowhorse Derby this weekend with Callee Miller. Lil is a Limited Open Finalist at the 2019 Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity. She was the Open Futurity Champion for 2019 at Gem State Stock Horse Association. She is in the running for the 2020 Intermountain Derby Championship. Lil is easy to show, low maintenance and sound. She would make an awesome Non Pro horse to further her career in the reined cowhorse pen.
SBF Smart Lil Boon had a great show at the Utah Reined Cowhorse Association Derby last weekend. She was reserve Champion in the Limited Open and pulled another check for her effort. She and Callee Miller get better every time they show.
fp post May 2019
Lil at her first Derby – finished 3rd in Limited Open. CRCA Drought Buster Derby and Horse Show. “SBF Smart Lil Boon” aka “Lil” owned by Dave King 1st Derby of the year.
fb post Oct 2019
SBF Smart Lil Boon, her dam is the grand dam of SBF Holicat. “Lil is circling one at the Gem State Snafflebit Futurity series in October, she won the series with 47 points in three shows.
fb post Dec 2019
Lil has the blue collar mentality that makes a horse want to work! We won a buckle at Gem State, We won money at Reno, the biggest win of all was Lil keeping her drive and trust alive. Thank you Callee Miller for getting the most Lil had to offer in the show pen and not taking more than she was willing to give. You will see Lil back in the show pen in the Derbies because she wants to be there. Hard work will always beat talent when talent does not want to work hard. That is why Lil has a chance every time she steps into the show pen.
SBF Smart Lil Boon Breeding
2014 AQHA bay roan mare
Autumnator x Dandy’s Hot Socks
SIRE: AUTUMNATOR: Autumator is a very good looking son of the great Smart Little Lena. He has a big hip, low hocks, pretty neck and is very balanced. He has a very big stop and is very trainable with an excellent mind. He is unshown due to an injury but his balance, athletic ability and pedigree indicate that he should be an outstanding sire. Autumnator is a full brother to earners of over $400,000 including Boon a Little whose breed fee is over $2,500.
standing at : The Davis Ranch
SIRE of sire: SMART LITTLE LENA (1979). Earner of $743,275, NCHA Triple Crown Open Champion, AQHA Hall Of Fame, NCHA Derby Champion, NCHA Super Stakes Champion, NCHA Futurity Champion. NCHA $42.1 Million DOLLAR SIRE #2 All Time Leading Sire Equi-Stat Leading Cutting Sire, NCHA-AQHA Leading Cutting Sire. Sire of earners of including, RED WHITE AND BOON ($930,954, 5-time NCHA Non Pro World Ch); SMART PEPPY LENA [PT] ($494,314, NCHA NP World Ch); JUSTA SMART PEANUT ($421,041, NCHA Horse of the Yr, NCHA Fut & Super Stks Op Rsv Ch); SMART PLAY ($413,270, NCHA Fut& Super Stks Op Rsv Ch); SOME KINDA MEMORIES ($378,546, NCHA Futurity Open Champion); AQHA perfs include 18 World & 14 Rsv World Ch, etc.
DAM of sire: AUTUMN BOON Earner of $244,470 NCHA. Dam of 26 foals, 17 perfs earning $1,003,985 NCHA/WS including IM COUNTIN CHECKS $509,642, 3rd NCHA Cutting Horse Futurity); BOON A LITTLE ($135,639 NCHA/WS, AQHA Rsv World Ch Jr Cutting, 3rd AQHA World Show Jr Cutting, 3rd High Pt Jr Cutting, 5th High Pt Cutting, etc); ABSOLUTELY STUNNING ($106,787); WILD THING DNA ($94,561); BOOGIE BOON ($49,198) etc.
DAM: Dandy’s Hot Socks (Galapagos Cody)
SIRE of dam: GALAPAGOS CODY (Topsail Cody) Top 10 AQHA World Show in reining and working cowhorse, with a AQHA superior in reining. He is one of the top sons of Topsail Cody ($29,237: NRHA Futurity Open Champion; NRHA Million Dollar Sire; sire of offsring earning in excess of $2 Million; 2016 Equi-Stat, #6 Leading Lifetime Reining Paternal and Maternal Grandsire).
DAM of dam: Docs Hot Socks – an own daughter of Doc’s Hotrodder (AQHA Champion Sire of $374,506 cutting, reining). Doc’s Hotrodder was not only a cutting horse but a halter horse like his sire Doc Bar.